03-12-24 MSK
Planned work on the modernization of server equipment in SPB-1, 03.12.2024 from 03-12-24 00:00 MSK to 03-12-24 07:00 MSK
30-11-24 MSK
Network problems, ru-2 pool
29-11-24 MSK
Emergency work, reduction of reservations in the SPB-3 location from 29-11-24 10:30 MSK to 29-11-24 12:00 MSK
29-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 29-11-24 00:00 MSK to 29-11-24 08:00 MSK
28-11-24 MSK
Scheduled host maintenance work in ru-8 from 28-11-24 20:00 MSK to 28-11-24 22:00 MSK
28-11-24 MSK
Emergency work on network equipment in Novosibirk from 28-11-24 16:00 MSK to 28-11-24 17:30 MSK
28-11-24 MSK
Planned maintenance of network equipment November 28.11.2024 from 28-11-24 00:00 MSK to 28-11-24 03:00 MSK
27-11-24 MSK
There are problems with the operation of the TAS-2 and NSK-1 location network servers
27-11-24 MSK
Scheduled Maintenance on vac.selectel.ru, vbr-msk.selectel.ru from 27-11-24 11:00 MSK to 27-11-24 13:00 MSK
23-11-24 MSK
Planned work to update GO1C service clusters 23.11.2024 from 23-11-24 20:00 MSK to 24-11-24 00:00 MSK
21-11-24 MSK
Emergency work to update the cloud based on VMware from 21-11-24 23:00 MSK to 22-11-24 03:00 MSK
20-11-24 MSK
Scheduled Maintenance on Electrical Equipment at Data Center "Tsvetochnaya-2" from 20-11-24 11:00 MSK to 20-11-24 12:00 MSK
19-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 19-11-24 00:00 MSK to 19-11-24 08:00 MSK
18-11-24 MSK
Scheduled work on the public cloud infrastructure based on VMware in the St. Petersburg region from 18-11-24 23:00 MSK to 19-11-24 01:00 MSK
18-11-24 MSK
There are difficulties when using network boot templates for TAS-2 location servers
15-11-24 MSK
Control panel unaccessible
14-11-24 MSK
Planned work to modernize the infrastructure for the Cloud Database service from 14-11-24 23:00 MSK to 15-11-24 00:00 MSK
14-11-24 MSK
Scheduled Maintenance on Electrical Equipment at Data Center "Tsvetochnaya-2" from 14-11-24 10:00 MSK to 14-11-24 13:00 MSK
14-11-24 MSK
Scheduled software update work for the Cloud Platform from 14-11-24 05:00 MSK to 14-11-24 08:00 MSK
14-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 14-11-24 00:00 MSK to 15-11-24 08:00 MSK
13-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 13-11-24 00:00 MSK to 13-11-24 08:00 MSK
13-11-24 MSK
Planned modernization of server equipment in SPB-1 from 13-11-24 00:00 MSK to 13-11-24 07:00 MSK
12-11-24 MSK
Issues with the Selectel Mail Service
12-11-24 MSK
Scheduled software update work for the Cloud Platform from 12-11-24 05:00 MSK to 12-11-24 08:00 MSK
12-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure, SPB-4 11/12/24 from 12-11-24 00:00 MSK to 12-11-24 08:00 MSK
11-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the Mobile Farm service network from 11-11-24 23:00 MSK to 12-11-24 01:00 MSK
11-11-24 MSK
Planned work to modernize infrastructure in the uz-2 region from 11-11-24 20:00 MSK to 11-11-24 22:00 MSK
08-11-24 MSK
Planned modernization of server equipment in SPB-1 from 08-11-24 00:00 MSK to 08-11-24 00:07 MSK
06-11-24 MSK
Planned work in the Cloud platform 06.11.2024 from 06-11-24 22:00 MSK to 07-11-24 02:00 MSK
06-11-24 MSK
Network statistics service failure
06-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance work at the Berzarina data center, 06.11.2024 from 06-11-24 10:00 MSK to 06-11-24 17:00 MSK
06-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance work at the Berzarina data center, 06.11.2024 from 06-11-24 10:00 MSK to 06-11-24 17:00 MSK
06-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance work at the Tsvetochnaya 2 data center, 11/06/2024 from 06-11-24 09:30 MSK to 06-11-24 18:00 MSK
06-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 06-11-24 00:00 MSK to 06-11-24 08:00 MSK
05-11-24 MSK
Planned work to modernize infrastructure in the uz-1 region from 05-11-24 22:00 MSK to 05-11-24 23:30 MSK
02-11-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 02-11-24 00:00 MSK to 02-11-24 08:00 MSK
01-11-24 MSK
Planned work to modernize the infrastructure in the Tsvetochnaya-1 data center from 01-11-24 10:00 MSK to 01-11-24 11:00 MSK
01-11-24 MSK
Planned work on the modernization of server equipment in SPB-1 from 01-11-24 00:00 MSK to 01-11-24 07:00 MSK
31-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance to update DaaS components from 31-10-24 22:00 MSK to 01-11-24 03:00 MSK
30-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 30-10-24 00:00 MSK to 30-10-24 08:00 MSK
29-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 29-10-24 00:00 MSK to 29-10-24 08:00 MSK
25-10-24 MSK
Плановые работы по модернизации инфраструктуры в дата-центре Берзарина-1, 25.10.2024 from 25-10-24 22:00 MSK to 26-10-24 02:00 MSK
25-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 10/25/24 from 25-10-24 00:00 MSK to 25-10-24 08:00 MSK
23-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 23-10-24 00:00 MSK to 23-10-24 08:00 MSK
22-10-24 MSK
Planned work to modernize the infrastructure in the Tsvetochnaya-1 data center SPB-1 from 22-10-24 00:00 MSK to 22-10-24 07:00 MSK
22-10-24 MSK
Scheduled maintenance on the modernization of infrastructure in the data center "Dubrovka-1" SPB-4 from 22-10-24 00:00 MSK to 22-10-24 08:00 MSK
18-10-24 MSK
DaaS availability issues.
17-10-24 MSK
Problems with network availability, ru-7
17-10-24 MSK
Planned work on upgrading the infrastructure of the Cloud platform in the ru-7 pool from 17-10-24 20:00 MSK to 17-10-24 21:00 MSK
17-10-24 MSK
Planned work on upgrading the infrastructure of the Cloud platform in the ru regions from 17-10-24 10:00 MSK to 22-10-24 12:00 MSK
598 results
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